Once you have created your event page, you will immediately see a confirmation that your event page has been created successfully. Click on the "Setup" tab to add your sessions to the event page.
Select the “Sessions” tab on the navigation bar to the left and then, select the
“+ New Session” tab on the right to create a new session.
Note: You can get back to your event page by clicking "Preview Event" on the top right.
Fill Out the Session Request Form
Fill out a session request form for each session you will have as part of the event. Once you are done entering your session request, select the “Submit Request” button to add the session to your event page. This will notify our team to start finding a presenter for that session.
Note: If you are not ready to submit a request for a presenter, but want to save your work,
select the “Save as Draft” button to keep your progress without submitting a request for presenters.
Tip: Be sure to inform the Support Team if you already have a professional you would like to
bring in for that session by leaving the information in the additional notes section. They will
contact you to let you know the next steps.
Repeat this process until you have created all of the sessions your organization plans on
hosting during the event. Once you are done adding your sessions, you can move on to adding hosts and
publishing your event for users to view and register on the platform.
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